Here are the 10 things Mainers Googled most in 2017 January 8, 2018The Googles, The Internets By Seth Koenig Mainers — like people in many states — were interested in celebrities, scandals and politics in 2017.
USA Today says this is the best restaurant in Maine to catch the ‘craft ramen’ craze January 3, 2018The Internetsramen By Seth Koenig “I’ve seen brisket ramen in Texas, but also shrimp and citrus-infused ramen in Tampa,” a noodle exec said.
Mainers are buying a lot of brownies online from Walmart January 3, 2018Statistics, The Internets By Seth Koenig Seems like brownies would be easy enough to find at a store nearby.
One of America’s 8 ‘most coastal Christmas trees’ can be found in Maine December 22, 2017Television, The Internets, Youtube By Seth Koenig Cable television station TLC once did a segment of the now famous tree as part of its program on “Extreme Christmas Trees.”
Watch Mainer Anna Kendrick sing a Christmas song with The Roots playing toy instruments December 21, 2017Television, The Internets, YoutubeAnna Kendrick By Seth Koenig Kendrick’s new movie “Pitch Perfect 3” comes out this week.
Maine is the only state where this is our favorite Christmas movie December 19, 2017Television, The Googles, The Internets By Seth Koenig “Home Alone” and “Elf” are the top movies for a total of 18 states. But not Maine.
Massive food festival to feature one ‘iconic dish’ from each state. The Maine pick is no surprise December 14, 2017The Internets, Youtube By Seth Koenig You may roll your eyes, but can you blame them for asking Maine to bring lobster?
Data analysts figure out each state’s most ‘sought-after’ beer. Here’s Maine’s December 11, 2017Statistics, The Internets By Seth Koenig Because data analysts are researching just about everything now.
When asked to pick which cookie best represents them, Mainers weren’t like anyone else December 11, 2017Maps n Stuff, Statistics, The Internets By Seth Koenig People from 18 states picked chocolate chip cookies, which are tasty, but maybe not all that adventurous.
Mainers want different candy on Christmas than on Halloween. Why is that? December 8, 2017Maps n Stuff, The Internets By Seth Koenig We go from wanting sour, fruity gummies to crunchy mint candies. That’s a big difference.