Mainers are buying a lot of brownies online from Walmart January 3, 2018Statistics, The Internets By Seth Koenig Seems like brownies would be easy enough to find at a store nearby.
In Maine, this is the place where most Uber rides end up. Our top destination may surprise you December 19, 2017Statistics By Seth Koenig In many states, the top Uber destination is a bar or sports stadium. That’s not the case in Maine.
Maine is the only state where Rey is our favorite ‘Star Wars’ character December 15, 2017Maps n Stuff, Statistics By Seth Koenig At least according to one online polling site, she doesn’t even make the top 10 nationwide.
Site names the street with the ‘most outrageous’ holiday lights in each state. Here’s the one in Maine December 12, 2017Statistics, The Googles By Seth Koenig One Maine family uses their holiday lights to raise thousands for charity every year.
The most popular home renovation project in Maine shows how much we love the outdoors December 12, 2017Maps n Stuff, Statistics, The Googles By Seth Koenig A study of our online search traffic also suggests Mainers are self-starters who know how to tackle these projects.
Data analysts figure out each state’s most ‘sought-after’ beer. Here’s Maine’s December 11, 2017Statistics, The Internets By Seth Koenig Because data analysts are researching just about everything now.
When asked to pick which cookie best represents them, Mainers weren’t like anyone else December 11, 2017Maps n Stuff, Statistics, The Internets By Seth Koenig People from 18 states picked chocolate chip cookies, which are tasty, but maybe not all that adventurous.
Maine city ranked among the best for singles. But another one is among the worst. November 14, 2017Maps n Stuff, Statistics By Seth Koenig The rankings considered a wide range of criteria, like the cost of restaurants and percentages of single people.
According to our online searches, this is what Mainers fear most. It’s pretty gross. November 1, 2017Statistics, The Googlesfear, phobia By Seth Koenig Maine is one of only two states where this phobia was at the top of the list.
This is expected to be the top Halloween costume in Maine for 2017 October 24, 2017Maps n Stuff, Statistics, The Googles, Youtubecostumes, halloween, maps By Seth Koenig In 2015, Mainers preferred Catwoman costumes. But that’s not the case this year.