Online sales listings are a beautiful thing. You can find everything; adorable pets, hopeless romantics and even fast food franchises.
If you love toasted subs and want to turn it into a career, you might have a once in a lifetime opportunity in Bangor. For $10,000, according to a Facebook post in the Facebook group Penobscot County Maine Sale, Trade, of Wanted and a Craigslist ad, you can own the Hogan Road Quiznos and everything in it.
While a national food franchise might seem like a steal for $10,000, Quiznos, according to Forbes, has been “flailing” for almost ten years. It’s fallen from 5,000 locations at the company’s peak to around 1,500 worldwide.
Forbes’ Karsten Strauss spoke to Quiznos’ owner from Michigan who is looking to sell his franchise:
…Jehad Majed, who estimates sales this year at the location he’s run for a decade at $340,000. He says he is four months behind on his Michigan state taxes, has $16,000 in credit card debt and owes Quiznos $30,000 in royalties and fees. Majed says he has amassed personal debt of $100,000, and although he’s sunk $230,000 into his location, he’d take $50,000 for it–if only he could find a buyer. “It’s hard to sell a Quiznos these days.”
According to comments, owner Brian Maris has received a lot of messages regarding the space, so move quickly if you’re interested.