This woman is Maine’s most distinct Google search term for 2015

Before you watch that clip above, be aware that, even in an interview that was broadcast on network television, they did drift into some questionable territory. Nothing that would set off the FCC alarms, but for those of you who prefer your comedy completely wholesome, maybe it’s better not to watch that one.

Anyway, last year at this time, the real estate blog Estately used Google Trends data to determine that, during the approximate 2014 calendar year, the most distinct Google search term used by Mainers was the spoof Internet talk show “Between Two Ferns.”

The blog did it again this year and found out that Mainers spent 2015 Googling Amy Schumer more than people in any other state did.


While the comedian Schumer skyrocketed in popularity in general over the last year, she had an appearance in Portland that likely contributed to her prominence as a search term in the state.

Last month, she so quickly sold out a Saturday night performance at Portland’s Cross Insurance Arena that they added a second show. And with the extra show, Schumer had less time flexibility and ended up cutting the first performance shorter than many of her fans wanted.

The short-show controversy whipped up a brief social media buzz and generated some national interest, especially when Schumer took to Twitter and local outlets to apologize for what was criticized as an abbreviated performance.

The most distinct search terms in many other states had connections to celebrity news as well. As you can see in the Estately map above, New Yorkers Googled “Charlie Sheen HIV,” Pennsylvanians were particularly into the “royal baby,” and Wyoming web browsers were directed toward new celebrity It Couple “Blake Shelton + Gwen Stefani.”

Folks in some other states were into the news, with Colorado residents searching for information about the discovery of “water on Mars,” Virginians researching the terrorist group Boko Haram and New Jersey Internet users looking into “Hillary Clinton email.”

Some other fairly distinct Google search terms that didn’t quite make the map: Behind the newsworthy French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, Massachusetts residents spent a fair amount of time searching “Dad bod,” while Mississippians Googled “booty” when they weren’t checking to make sure their names weren’t being released as part of the Ashley Madison hack.

Featured main page photo by Brian Moore, used under Creative Commons license.